Masroor - faithful, pressing on through difficulty

Masroor, husband to Uzma and father to 3, has been a faithful worker for many years. In his own quiet way he has slowly grown into a position of great trust. He holds the keys to the factory, a responsibility entrusted to him after many years of reliable service.

Cautious by nature there have been times when we've had to lovingly push Masroor into new responsibilities. Culturally, people are often feel confined to a specific job all their life because of the family they were born in or the education they received. Once, when we started making bags, he was unwilling to try his hand - thinking it beyond his ability. However the Village Artisan family saw more in Masroor than what Masroor saw in himself. With encouragement, he tried his best and succeeded, becoming an essential part of our core bag making team!

His story is one we are proud of. A story of hope, dignity, and transformation.