Ashfaq - Inventive at life
Ashfaq has an inventive spirit and the hands of a master craftsman. With a beaming smile, he stands by confident and ready to initiate the next helpful strategy. Ashfaq was raised an orphan in a relative’s home, hiding the spark of confidence, creativity and intelligence within. His talents could no longer be hidden when two of his childhood friends referred him to Village Artisan as a young unmarried man. Initially, in 2005 when Ashfaq joined the workshop he was shy and somewhat fearful, unsure if this work situation was going to be full of harsh demands and unappreciated work like he was used to. In a caring work community, Ashfaq excelled. He has become known now as the problem solver with resourceful inventiveness and has gained the respect and admiration of his peers in the workshop. Since his time began with Village Artisan he has married a beautiful and gentle natured wife, Samina and now has 4 spunky boys who are a part of the VA school Sponsorship Program.
"In all my other work I had no one around me I could trust. Now with Village Artisan I have found people who can lead me in a good way."